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Decolonization and Indigenization Fund

It’s ready! We are pleased to announce the new Yearly Decolonization and Indigenizarion Fund! This joint Initiative of the Faculty Association and Emily Carr administration makes use of the Provincial Government’s Service Improvement Allocation for the intended benefit of all regular and non-regular faculty. Funds are available up to $250 per faculty member each fiscal year, and will be allocated to applications that fulfill the requirements on a first-come first-served basis. We have aimed to make this fund as accessible as possible. Please feel free to provide us with feedback on the process so that we can make improvements on it in the years to come.

Decolonization and Indigenization Fund

Proposals must demonstrate tangible benefits to students and must support decolonization and Indigenization within the university community.
Proposals that meet this requirement shall be granted. $250 per year for each faculty member (Non-Regular or Regular) is available.