
Executive Working Committee Report 2022

The following is an abridged summary of the Executive Working Committee Report. Please find the complete report here.

This year we spent a significant amount of time on bargaining preparations including the faculty bargaining questionnaire, consolidating bargaining points, extensively reviewing the ECUFA Collective Agreement, meetings with our FPSE bargaining consultants, poured over numerous collective agreements of other FPSE locals and other universities including OCAD, NSCAD, and ACAD, and participating in training courses offered by CAUT. These courses included: Organizing 101, Bargaining, and Organizing 201. We drafted the protocol agreement that sets the terms of how we will be negotiating with the University and submitted that draft to HR. As many are aware, the bargaining process is a long road with many steps, but the journey has begun. We want to thank all the faculty members who served on the various pre-bargaining committees with administration that helped pave the way for our negotiations in the Fall. 

We also worked on some financial upkeep (motions to move to VanCity, increase dues, increase stewards). The last COVID variance we negotiated expired in Dec 2021, but some of it applies till August 2022. Remember to access Curriculum Benefits Fund and Decolonization and Indigenization Fund by August. 

We held Faculty Affairs discussions on the following topics: precious working conditions, bullying and harassment, bargaining, effect of changing university policies on faculty rights and responsibilities.

We would like to thank and acknowledge Elizabeth Mackenzie, who after 22 years of teaching, is not re-applying to teach at Emily Carr. Because of the precarious nature of this work, we know that retirement or leaving Emily Carr looks and feels different for our non-regular faculty, and can often go unnoticed. Thank you Elizabeth for your many years of service to this community, and for reminding us how important it is to connect with and celebrate each other.

We also want to acknowledge the sudden passing of our colleague, Thomas Groppi. Many of us are still in shock from the news. As Rita Wong noted in her email to the faculty about Thomas, “His candour, sense of humour, generosity of spirit, and dedication to the community was well known to so many of us, and he will be deeply missed.” The Faculty Association sent condolences and a donation to the BC Children’s Hospital in memory of Thomas. 

Ahead of all the committee reports and summaries, we wanted to thank all of the faculty who served on the wide range of committees that are required to support our collegial governance. We are hugely grateful for your time, thoughtful consideration, tireless dedication and support. Your work is essential to our membership and to the University community. We also want to thank all of the faculty and staff who continue to show up – show up to meetings, to workshops, to training sessions, to hallway conversations that lead to new ideas and solutions that make a difference to our working lives. You have shown up in countless Zoom rooms, in person, and via email. You have shown up for each other. Thank you.

The FA Executive for 2021-2022 included:

Presidents: Rita Wong (Fall 2021), Cameron Cartiere (Spring 2022)

Vice Presidents: Ben Unterman and Lindsay McIntyre

Members at Large: Rubén Möller, Valérie D. Walker, Gilly Mah, Keith Langergraber, Magnolia Pauker 

Co-Chief Stewards: Rita Wong (Fall 2021), Ana Diab (Spring 2022)

Treasurer: Maria Lantin Secretary: Sunny Nestler